Neste encontro eu era claramente aquele que menos anos tinha de aguarela e uma falta de experiência notória no que toca a conhecimento de técnicas, materiais e mais truques do género. No entanto, há uma coisa que eu sei, é que o papel comanda a vida neste meio. Podem ser muito talentosos e ter as melhores tintas mas no fim, tudo se resume à qualidade do papel VS tipo de trabalho que querem produzir. Os artistas deste encontro têm um beneficio fantástico, o acesso practicamente ilimitado a papel de aguarela, papel esse que anda sempre nos 300g/m², quase sempre de algodão e com dimensões que não se comparam a qualquer caderno que eu tenha visto por aí.
Among all artists, I was the on with less experience using watercolors, and with a huge lack of knowledge regarding, materials, techniques and such. However, there's one thing I do know of, is that paper is key to produce a nice piece. We may be talented and have some of the best gear but in the end, it all comes to the kind of paper vs type of work you want to produce. Featured artists in this meeting have a huge advantage, the almost unlimited access to quality paper, never less than 300gsm, 100% cotton, with huge sizes incomparable to any sketchbook around.
Tuesday, August 3rd, and all activities were set to happen Torres Vedras, since all artists stayed in Santa Cruz during the whole time until now. After a morning walk trough streets I know to well, I sat down in Largo de Santo António with Ana and Bruno. I pulled my pen to start my sketch on this giant sheet of 70x40cm and then I thought... "What about a real watercolor, like painter do?... Why not?..." And in that moment I replaced my pen for a mechanical pencil and the result was a much looser sketch than what I do.
As soon as I started playing with colours, I realized once more the importance of having a quality paper for this kind of work. This was an Arches Torchon paper, and it was pure joy watching colors playing and mixing together. In watercolour we're not the single protagonist, water is working alongside us too and can be the main responsible for a masterpiece or for another piece of paper in the trash can (never dispose of a drawing/paint, it's just an expression ;). In the end I was clearly satisfied with this, because I felt I had learn something in the process...
Para além de uma sala de trabalhos, este encontro dispões de uma galeria que serve apenas para a mostra de aguarelas feitas durante o mesmo. Assim que um artista termina um trabalho, ele coloca o seu trabalho na parede bem como um preço de venda ao público. Aqui estavam as minhas obras no final deste segundo dia de encontro, ao lado das fantásticas incursões "Banksyanas" do George Politis. No final da exposição e do encontro, esta minha aguarela passou a fazer parte da enorme e muito rica colecção de aguarelas do Concelho de Torres Vedras. Uma honra enorme poder servir a minha "casa" com o que mais gosto de fazer...
Besides a work room, in this meeting all artists have a gallery displaying all paintings made during the event. At the end of the day, you get to put your work in the wall with a price tag if you want to sell it. Here were my sketches/watercolors at the end of this 2nd day, next to the work of talented George Politis. At the end of the event, this watercolor became part of the Municipality huge collection of watercolors. It's an honor being able to serve my "home" with what I love the most...
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